Mk-Ultra Clean
Philadelphia hard rock power trio. Music is tuned and recorded in 432 Hz.
"MK-Ultra Clean" album cover is an original painting by Marc Brodzik.
Recorded and produced by Joe DeLuca at Why Me Recording.
Mastered by Peter Humphreys at Masterwork Recording.
New Music Coming Soon — 1/20/2019 Released 2019
Action and Oasis Records

Album tracks

  • 1
    Secret Science (clip)
    The Spirit World
  • 2
    Freedom from the Fight (clip)
    The Spirit World
  • 3
    One Thing (clip)
    The Spirit World
  • 4
    Another Day Goes By (clip)
    The Spirit World
  • 5
    Stupid Games (clip)
    The Spirit World
  • 6
    Stepping over Ghetto Diamonds (clip)
    The Spirit World
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